Thursday 1 February 2018

FAST Natural Pinkish lips

Have you heard about getting your dark lips turns into pinky lips in just a week time? I bet you're excited!

By using 1 tea spoon of Tumeric Powder mix up with 1 tablespoon of Cold Milk makes it so much easier to get natural pink lips ! ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›

I am going to show you my testimony for this secret recipe. :P



Day 1 (taken at night after application)

Day 2 (taken at night after application with lip moisturiser/any)

Day 3 (taken the next morning of third application)

Day 4 (taken the next morning of forth application, beginning to see differences)

As you can see, I already seeing difference in my third application. :D This simple formula/diy is just so amazing! :) I apply honey after washing my lips with warm water to keep it moistue and plump.

Happy trying!

Medicube Red Body Bar REVIEW is here!

Hey there! I guess when you're here means we want the same thing? That's right! We want a sexy back but these acne, pimples are getting our way! CHOP CHOP! I'm just a little excited. Please bare with me okay! XD

So, we all heard about Medicube from Korea. It has a red series(RED LINE) of acne/pimples for sensitive skin and blue series(ZERO LINE) for pore tightening. Anyway, the photo attached is just for reference and there might be more product offered in each product line.

If you are interested in this brand, you are always welcome to purchase them from / / or even from their original website in Korea. 
Updated: Now is available in Guardian stores! (slightly pricey but you can get it immediately).

For today, I have a very serious issue with my back. It feels so oily and the pimples sometimes can get really out of hand whenever my back feels a little stuffy inside during the day. Considering me staying in a humid country Singapore/Malaysia, it is really hard to get away from 'oily back'. 

Then, I heard rumors about how effective of this Medicube brand is. However, I am still hesitating the effectiveness of the product every time I see their advertisement. It works magically and caught me thinking 'ARE YOU SURE???' kind of statement.

So I waited few months before I make a purchase. It was a big challenge to stop myself from buying with such a tempting result on the screen! Then, people started to comment/post their review on their social websites/blogs about the product, mostly "YAY". Girls, I gotta do what I didn't do in the first place. You know what I'm saying? haha 

SO, to save myself, I decided to give it a chance to the so called product that helps to reduce my back acne/pimples. I then look into the ingredients of Medicube Red Body Bar rather than the review video itself to avoid misconception. 

I went to google. Look what I found? 
The main ingredients are Tea Tree, Red Bean and Basil. For your information, tea tree ingredient is well known for their ability to penetrate the skin to unblock the sebaceous glands, disinfect pores and dry out whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and other blemishes. Red Bean is known for clearing pores and to reduce acne breakouts. Whereas, Basil is famous for its powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties that help to keep down swelling of pimples as well as providing excellent benefits for overall skin health. How exciting!

It seems so convincing!

Furthermore,  I am looking at the description of the product to check if I'm suitable for the soap. You can also see the description from the attachment below for your reference as I think what they claim to be is pretty decent like most of the products out there.

After the research, I found myself in lurrrrvvvvvv with the product because it is clinically tested. Meaning, it is cruelty-free(not tested on animal).  As it claims suitable for sensitive skin,  skin soothing, cleanse oiliness and skin waste removal, these are definitely what I'm looking for. A product that cleanses oiliness and removes dead skin that doesn't irritate the skin and make it more prone to acne. Lastly, it soothes and purifies our skin! How nice bitches!! XD

Finally, the most important thing is how to use the soap correctly. It is as simple as ABC. They even got instructions for you in their official website in case you screw things up. haha
I then went to purchase this product from which offer quite a satisfying price and quality. It only cost me about SGD17.30 plus shipping fees of SGD2.20 YSL Express from Korea itself. I ordered on 25 Jan 2018 and got the item on 1 Feb 2018. I did not purchase from local retailers as they are selling about an average of SGD25 to SGD30. As I have time and I can wait, why not just wait for another week? 

Here is how I prepare myself for the challenge. I got myself an ecopure body detox massage bamboo brush and a Medicube Red Body Bar.
The photo taken below is with flash on thought maybe you can see the Red Body Bar and the others.
This body brush is so soft and easy to use for shorthand like me :'). It works the same like body sponge and you need to do in circular motion.  It claims to be able to reduce cellulite by using the other side of the brush. I certainly use it occasionally after cleansing my back with the bush. 
Alternatively, you can have a different type of body brush/sponge just like the one below in order for you to cleanse your back by yourself. OR Are you expecting someone else to help you for god sake and SEE those pathetic pimples on your back? lol NOT for me, NOT until I have my sexy back. haha! You can simply get them from any of the retailers, The Body Shop, Guardian, Watson, supermarket etc.
I want you to see a clearer picture of the soap holding on my hand to give a better figure of the size.

Alright! Here we GO !!

I started to use the product and I feel the need to make a review for people that having the same issue like myself. I know, I have a big heart! THANKS! hahaha I am SO going to ruin myself. XD!!!

In my opinion, the product kind of has a weird smell but I'm sure you will get used to it no matter what because we want a sexy back. Remember!? So I tell myself, "Nope, I am going to ignore the smell and move on with my back". Such a nice reminder don't cha think? X) It does not smell bad but smell weirdly. lol 

Anyway, my back and chest area does feel very clean, kind of like deep cleansing though, and I don't feel oily on my back after staying in the living room for hours at least for the whole afternoon. It impressed me because my back usually gets really oily within an hour or so. 

So, I'm hoping for the best. Hope I can wear my sexy dresses again!

Anyway, for your information, I will be updating my blog in a daily basis(hopefully).
So, do keep an eye on my blog! :))
Follow me if you don't want to miss any of the updates! 

Stay tuned :>

31 Jan 2018 Night (before I started to use Medicube Red Body Soap Morning and Night-shower)
It doesn't give a good look in the day nor any other day when I want to show my back :(
I will try to take a photo of my back in the daytime as well as night time to let you (US i suppose, haha) have a better look at the improvement. :)
These little guys are killing me! :(( 

Day 1
Night (i edited the photo contrast so that we can see better)

Day 2

Day 3 

Day 4

Overall review for one month:
After using it for a month, I do not see any obvious difference between before and after. I can not deny it does improve skin texture and I'm not sure about healing scars and reducing pimples on my back. I do feel cleaner and less oily for the whole month when I'm using this product. However, I also feel a little uncomfortable sometimes because my back seems to be a little dry at times. It is quite disappointing as people are actually giving extraordinary feedback about this product but it does not seem to achieve what it claimed to be (for me). Hope you get some idea from my sharing. Goodday

There is another way..
I noticed we can actually get rid of acne/pimple by simply using shower gel that has anti-bacterial in it. For example, Dettol shower gel, Shokubutsu radiance and etc. Recently, I went back to my hometown, and my family mostly using these two brands. In about a week after using either one of these product, I noticed my back's acne/pimple become lesser and less oily too. Here's how they look like.. 

 I've been using this Cucumber version for Dettol brand for the week and no  skin tightening, no itchiness and only freshness and cleanliness. Dettol also have other different version of shower gel. You can pick any of is because they're all anti-bacterial.

 And the other shower gel is Shokubutsu - Radiance. I love this shower gel as it not only improve my backs acne/oily condition, it also helps to lighten my skin color. Being fair is a plus for ladies! :)

You can get these items from any supermarket I believe. Maybe you want to give it a try? In my opinion, we don't necessarily need to buy a cleansing soap that specially aim for our back when a single shower gel can do it. In fact, Medicube Red Body Bar is quite expensive and I think that body bar is cater to super sensitive skin as which I think it is too gentle(targeted for sensitive skin user which not to stimulate any uncomfortable feeling/irritate sensitive skin) and it is not very effective for normal skin like us.

That's my sharing, hope it helps you.

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